Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

What is my "role"?

Have you ever thought about your role in your company? Is there a gap between what you think your role is and what the company expects of you?

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Let’s have fun being human!

During a work meeting the other day, someone said, “Let’s have fun with this, let’s enjoy the process,” referring to the projects we were working on.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Are you committed to yourself?

How is everyone doing at the end of 2021? I wrapped up my corporate work on the 23rd, and had my final coaching session just a few days ago.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

When You Need to Make Moves

When you’re trying to move things on an organizational level, or needing the cooperation of many people, how do you go about it?

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata


It was Thanksgiving in the US this past weekend, so I was thinking about gratitude.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Are You Prepared to Receive?

I’m sure you have moments in your professional and personal lives when you think about what to provide for others, but you’re not so focused on what you receive.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Where’s your ideal place?

Are you in an ideal place in your work or personal life? Or are you in a different place than where you want to get to?

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