What is my "role"?

Have you ever thought about your role in your company? Is there a gap between what you think your role is and what the company expects of you?

I believe that if there is a gap between the two, that won’t end up in a good place for either you or the company.

The other day, something happened where my company was expecting things out of me that were more than my usual roles.

We communicated, discussed the details, and came to an agreement.

As with anything, I feel that work goes more smoothly when both parties understand each other's roles and have reached a final agreement.

If that point is unclear, it may lead to a sense of discomfort and a gap between the two parties.

In my case, the other party explained clearly, and I was able to quickly decide if I agreed with them or not.

As a result, both parties can proceed with the work in the same direction in a way that both are satisfied.

I think this is a very important process that creates a good cycle and win-win situation for everyone.

And I believe this applies also to our personal lives, not just in the work setting.

The end of January is only a week away. The days go by so quickly, but I want to make the most of each and every day!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


Being a facilitator and a participant


Let’s have fun being human!