Are you committed to yourself?

How is everyone doing at the end of 2021? I wrapped up my corporate work on the 23rd, and had my final coaching session just a few days ago.

After my coaching work was done, I stayed at a hotel within the city to do some self-reflection on this past year as well as the year ahead.

After starting my coaching and personal development business in February of this year, I’ve been able to deliver my services to 202 people. Thank you all so much for participating!

By witnessing each participant’s efforts and hard work, I felt very encouraged to keep moving forward myself.

The biggest phrase that popped into my mind as I reflected on the past year was “committing to myself.”

Are you committed to yourself? How would you answer this question?

In the past, I don’t think I would’ve been able to answer with a resounding “yes.”

There were a few reasons, including being too easy on myself.

I tried many times and of course, things didn’t always work out the way I had planned.

However, I find that to be okay and actually good because that’s what makes us human.

I think what’s really important is that we have the commitment to face our own selves, including these very human “imperfections.”

I also believe that it’s difficult to implement all of that by yourself. In one-on-one coaching, there’s no judgment against these perceived imperfections, and that’s one of the things that motivates me to provide these services.

I wish you a happy new year and looking forward to sharing and exchanging more with you in 2022!

Lots of love,



Let’s have fun being human!


Looking at Everything from All Angles