Looking at Everything from All Angles

I’m constantly in a process of self-reflection, but recently, I asked myself again why I’m working as a double-hatter. Of course my mission statement is at the base of it, but I’ve also recently learned some new things through various seminars that inspired some new perspectives.

The first thing that came to mind about why I want to put myself in various situations in terms of work and my studies and it’s because I value looking at things from multiple different angles.

This is also why I chose to become a project manager in the first place. Being a project manager, I have to deal with people and work from various departments and levels, so that’s helped with seeing things from all different angles. And then I process everything within myself and consolidate things into one complete picture.

The coaching and human development work that I’m doing is very similar. In order for me to use the knowledge and skills that I have, I feel the need to continue learning new things. In doing so, I can understand where I need to improve, and also confirm where my strengths are. There are times when we also need to strengthen the foundation of our knowledge, so the continuing education helps with that as well.

It’s all about building the ability to look at all varying angles of things and be able to integrate that within to provide something that connects it all together.

The other thing is that I’m having fun with it.

If I’m not having fun with what I’m doing, I wouldn’t be doing it! Plain and simple :)

Christmas is coming up this week, and I hope that you’re able to spend it with people you love.

Wishing you a beautiful week full of smiles!


Are you committed to yourself?


“Reunion” for the Advanced Efficiency Challenge