Are You Prepared to Receive?

I’m sure you have moments in your professional and personal lives when you think about what to provide for others, but you’re not so focused on what you receive.

I think it’s probably often difficult to have a balanced approach.

There were many times when I struggled with this myself.

In the professional arena:

When I was a team manager for the first time ever, because I was the responsible one for the team, I was doing all of the “giving.” 

This was based on my own internal assumption that i HAD to do it this way. And it made my situation much more difficult than it had to be.

When managing a team of people, you end up dealing with personal matters related to their lives as well, and by overdoing it and getting more involved than I should have been, I experienced some hardship as a result.

It’s okay to also be supported by the team. When I finally realized that, I remember the overall flow was much better and we were actually able to grow overall as a team.

In my personal life, I think I was constantly feeling the responsibility of being the giver. Again, my own assumption that it had to be that way. 

But wasn’t it actually me just trying to appease my own sense of control? Does the other person really need it or even want it? 

What is it that we want to give in a certain way, and why? Does it really benefit the other person or myself?

And if the other person were to give something to me… am I prepared to receive it?

I think asking these types oparadf questions will help to smooth things out and create more balance in our lives.

And the key to really doing that is to understand what you really want and how you truly feel - that’s something I especially think about a lot lately.

I’ve gotten a lot better about this giving and receiving thing these days, but I know there’s always room for improvement as I move forward!

Wishing you a lovely week, full of smiles!




Where’s your ideal place?