Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Everything is Connected

The Advanced Efficiency Challenge just ended this past weekend, and I’m starting the week off feeling refreshed. Today I want to share about how so many things are connected.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Are you committed?

When you see the word “commitment,” what do you think about?When I looked up the official meaning of the word, this came up…

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

A New Beginning

I’d like to announce today that I’ve started a new chapter of my life: I am now officially a “double-hatter”…

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Writing Things Down for Awareness

I do my scheduling and journaling all by hand. Of course, I’m doing this so I won’t forget things, but when I physically write with my hand, I feel the sense of the information coming into me in a clearer and smoother way.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

“I’m Jealous”

These words that we use without giving it any second thought - how are they really affecting those around you? And how do we take responsibility for our words?

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Time Has an Expiration Date

Time has an expiration date - and so quality time is something that is increasingly important, regardless of how much of it you’re able to have.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Small Steps and Big Leaps

Because of my job, there is a lot of planning, scheduling, and strategizing that I have to do. This week I was thinking about why I do what I do, and if I’m truly enjoying what I’m doing.

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