A New Beginning

I’d like to announce today that I’ve started a new chapter of my life: I am now officially a “double-hatter” - as a corporate project manager, and as a professional coach and business owner of ProjectManager.jp to provide tools for personal growth and development.

Instead of calling it a “side business,” I resonate more with this “double-hat” terminology because I value both equally and strive to make both of them successful to the best of my abilities.

There’s been times when I was not sure I was going to make it. I constantly struggled with the best way to keep going forward.

During those rough moments, what kept me going were my unwavering commitment to my own mission statement, as well as the support I received from those around me.

Even simple things like my blog readers telling me that they’re enjoying reading my posts are actually a huge support system for me - thank you.

I’m so excited about standing at this starting point in this new chapter of my life as a double-hatter, paving the way on my own terms.

I’d like to thank all of the people who have supported me thus far: my sister and my friends, my NLP coaching trainer and colleagues, my colleagues and management at my company, and all of my coaching clients.

Thank you so much for supporting me and I look forward to continuing and solidifying our relationships into this new future.

Time is precious, with the end of the year right around the corner and I feel more and more everyday that we need to cherish each day and live it to the fullest.

Wishing you a beautiful week full of smiles!


Are you committed?


Writing Things Down for Awareness