Are you committed?

When you see the word “commitment,” what do you think about? 

When I looked up the official meaning of the word, this came up:

“For example, when committing to a project or operation, it’s not just about participating or taking on a task, but to take full responsibility and consciously and actively be involved until the goals are met. Additionally, by encouraging the sense of commitment in the participants, this leads to a higher quality of output.”

There are so many examples of this, especially when it comes to executing a project, so this really resonated with me. 

Commitment involves communication from both sides. If one person is committed but the other person isn’t, then the quality of the output wouldn’t be so high.

If you’re in the position of encouraging the sense of commitment from others, then leading with that awareness in mind is crucial. 

Of course, this applies not only to projects and work situations, but in our personal lives as well.

One-way communication doesn’t work when there are multiple parties involved. And with commitment, it is obvious that things naturally improve when both parties are fully committed. 

This changes how we engage with others and our general behaviors.

For me, I’m committed to double-hatting my two lines of work and I feel it’s important to declare it so that I can confirm my level of commitment.

In yesterday’s kick-off session for my Advanced Efficiency Challenge, there were so many things that were shared, and I really felt everybody’s commitments to their own dreams and visions.

We have a follow-up workshop scheduled at the end of this week, so I’m already looking forward to that!

Today’s the first day of November - starting to feel the end of the year in the air. Time really goes by quickly and is so precious.

Wishing you a great week full of smiles!


Everything is Connected


A New Beginning