Everything is Connected

The Advanced Efficiency Challenge just ended this past weekend, and I’m starting the week off feeling refreshed. Today I want to share about how so many things are connected.

The first thing that came to mind was what I majored in in college: psychology and education.

I was already very interested in education and human resources and development. At that time, I was studying children’s education and at a bachelor’s level, studied a wide range of the basics of psychology.

I had wanted to become a study abroad counselor for people in Japan, but after I returned to Japan, I realized that it wasn’t yet a profession that was in high demand. I ended up in the financial industry almost by accident - but of course, it was meant to be in a lot of ways.

When I really decided I wanted to get back into bringing the psychology and education aspects back into my professional career, I started studying NLP, which was about 3 years ago.

I wanted to study something again, because I felt like I wanted to establish a new foundation and strengthen what I already knew. I felt that in order to provide something valuable, I would need to brush up on my knowledge again.

As I got my certifications, I started launching my own programs starting at the beginning of this year.

That’s when one of my college friends said, “You’re making your college dreams come true! That passion you had back then is coming back around, full circle!” I completely agreed.

I’m also studying something new for me right now, about chakras. I’m seeing that there are a lot of common threads between the teachings with NLP as well, and it almost feels like I’m learning new ways to explain what I learned before in a new light.

The root of everything is the same and everything is connected. By observing these connections, I’ve really come to realize that everything is actually really simple. 

The falls leaves are about to paint the scenery gold and red very soon here in the Kanto region. I’ve been enjoying this short fall season during my daily walks.

The photo is from one of those walks a few days ago, when the komorebi was just beautiful. “Komorebi” is one of those hard-to-translate Japanese words that describes the dappled light that shines through the leaves and branches of trees (ko = tree, more = shine through/leak, bi = sun).

I wish you a beautiful week ahead, full of smiles!


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