Writing Things Down for Awareness

I do my scheduling and journaling all by hand. Of course, I’m doing this so I won’t forget things, but when I physically write with my hand, I feel the sense of the information coming into me in a clearer and smoother way.

I’ve been using the same type of planner for a long time now. It’s really lightweight, and it has a page where I can see the entire month’s schedule at once. I like that it has enough space for each day.

Usually on Sundays, I check my schedule for the week, and I visualize what kind of week it’s going to be. If it looks like it’s going to be a particularly busy week, I focus on taking care of my physical, mental and emotional states at this time as well.

With my daily journaling, I just jot down some notes in the weekly section of the planner. I only write 3-5 items per day, whatever I felt or thought about that day, something I could have done better, things I don’t want to forget, etc., without pressuring myself to write something elaborate.

With documents and materials I have to prepare for work, of course I don’t handwrite them, but I often jot down my ideas or write out basic outlines by hand.

By writing it out by hand, I feel this sense of organization and processing that happens in real-time, where the information can really be processed and stick in a good way.

There are so many big changes happening in the world right now, with so much uncertainty.

By utilizing my scheduling book as a tool to write down what I don’t want to forget, it’s something I feel is helping me to keep moving forward.

Of course, if typing things is better for you, you can do it in a digitized way, but either way, this process of writing things down has been a hugely valuable tool for me, and I hope it can be a great tool for you as well.

It’s getting cold here in Japan all of a sudden! I hope you’re staying warm!

Wishing you a wonderful week full of smiles!


A New Beginning


“Feeling” Into Information