“Feeling” Into Information


When you read a book, do you ever think about the author? Who are they… why did they write something like this?

I attended a weekend seminar and it was recommended that we read a book to prepare for it.

It was on a genre I hadn’t ever studied before: chakras.

When I finished reading the book, I got really curious about what kind of person the author was and why she wrote the book.

These days it’s quite common to be able to find a video online, so I searched her name right away.

I was able to immediately find a lot of interview videos with her.

I chose two of them and started watching. When it’s on video, it’s easy to pick up not only the words but all the senses (except for smell).

Her body language, facial affect, vocal tone… there is so much information that I could pick up from the video.

Even if you couldn’t understand the language, I’m sure there would be things you could pick up just by watching that.

I assimilated these additional pieces of information along with the content of the book, and I got an overall impression that this author is very logical in her approach.

I think I was able to “feel” into the information through this process.

There is so much information out there these days, even in one genre or category.

When you encounter a new book or something from a new genre, I think this “feeling” into the big picture is a useful process to determine how you use that information.

It’s October! Most days are still hot in Japan, but it’s a time when there’s a sudden change in temperatures, so please take care of your health - and of course, to all my readers around the world!

Wishing you a beautiful day.


Writing Things Down for Awareness


“I’m Jealous”