Small Steps and Big Leaps


Because of my job, there is a lot of planning, scheduling, and strategizing that I have to do. This week I was thinking about why I do what I do, and if I’m truly enjoying what I’m doing.

As a project manager, one of my major roles is to organize everything and everyone.

This includes not only everyone’s opinions, but also the specific details of operations, communications between team members, and so much more.

I also have to prepare a lot of documents and materials, which can be time-consuming and tedious.

With the communication between team members, this is based on building trusting relationships on a day-to-day basis; without that, approaching someone doesn’t go as smoothly when things need to get done.

These little steps that I take every single day shape the overall success and improvements of the business, and lead to our ability to get to the next big leap.

Both the small steps and taking the big leap are processes that I enjoy. I’m able to experience both of those things in a balanced way as a project manager and that’s why I do what I do.

I also feel similarly about the work I’m doing as a coach and human development.

I can continue enjoying learning the solid foundation (in this case, with NLP coaching), while adding my own skills and experiences to provide services that have a unique value.

The other day when I joined a coaching course as an assistant, it made me think about why I studied to be a coach, and how I’m going to incorporate these skills from here and on. 

So for me, it’s not just about the small tasks and baby steps, and it’s not just about the big leaps, either. It’s about enjoying the balance between these two - I can’t go without one or the other.

And of course, this also applies to my personal life as well - we need balance in all aspects of our lives.

I’m taking the week off this week from my corporate job, so this is a perfect time to recalibrate myself and maintain that healthy work-life balance. 

And on Sunday, we’ll be starting another round of my Boost Your Efficiency Challenge (in Japanese)! 

Wishing you a beautiful week full of smiles!


Time Has an Expiration Date


Completing to the Best of Your Abilities