Time Has an Expiration Date

Last week, I took some time off from my corporate work so that I could recalibrate myself in both my professional and personal lives. What I felt strongly this time was that time has an expiration date - and so quality time is something that is increasingly important, regardless of how much of it you’re able to have.

There’s a lot of restrictions due to the current global climate, but I try to focus on what I can do during this time instead of what I cannot.

As I planned my days off, I simulated what it would be like in my mind. I do this when I’m working as well; I check what my schedule is going to be like first thing in the morning, and then I do a simulation for the day ahead.

If I know it’s going to be a busy day, I imagine myself getting everything done at the end of the day. By doing this, I’m actually telling my brain that this is a possible reality.

During these days off, I did that as well. I checked the plans that I already had, and imagined myself doing things I wanted to do in the way that I wanted to do them. Then I added new activities or time to do nothing. I believe that you can schedule in these times to do nothing, too!

And then of course, you have to reassess your plans constantly, because we can’t live life just according to your tasks and schedules. But if you can reassess and recalibrate in those moments, then I believe everyone can have a bit more quality time for themselves and a reason to keep going.

When things aren’t going well, doing these simulations help to keep myself going as well.

Time doesn’t last forever. But quality time will always give you the support and the vitality that you need to just keep going.

There were a few things during my holiday week that popped up that were outside of my plan, but I could keep going because I had the comfort of the quality time that I’ve had in the past.

This is why I’ve created my Boost Your Efficiency Challenge, so that we can have more quality time that will support us through our lives. The Japanese version of the challenge is going on this week. I’m doing the challenge along with the 49 participants!

I wish you a wonderful week full of smiles!


Reflecting on Your Roots for the Future


Small Steps and Big Leaps