Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#259 How much are your assets?

What do you think of when you hear the word “assets”? I'm going to share with you this time when it comes to your overall assets, not just your material assets 😊✨

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#256 Beyond your titles

How many titles or roles do you have? Are you not bound by them? What is beyond being restricted by them?

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#253 Spotlight on Yourself

One of the things I think is a challenge if I am not aware is putting a focus on myself. How often do you shine the spotlight on yourself?

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#250 Who is it for after all?

I have been gradually letting go in a positive way over the past few months. In the process, I realized something. Who is it for in the end?

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