#252 "I Need a Vacation Alert"

“I need a vacation!” This is a warning that has been occurring recently in my mind, and I know I need to listen to it.

In my case, it is not simply a matter of going somewhere.

It is a signal that I need to spend more time focusing on myself.

It is natural for human beings to have ups and downs in their daily routines, and there are parts of their lives that they cannot control.

When I lose the balance between the parts I can control and the parts I can't, I get this "vacation” alert.

At such times, I try to do things that enrich me to the fullest.

I try to go to places where I can easily spend time with myself as I shared the other day, or I spend time with those who are close to me and whom I can trust.

The other day I celebrated with a friend at a restaurant, and it was a very fulfilling time.

The other thing I can do easily is to listen to music of my favorite artists.

I feel that I should not miss out on this signal, so I would like to think about it a bit and plan further.

To be sensitive to my feelings is to take care of myself.

And it also leads to taking care of the people around me.

What are the signals that are occurring in your mind?

Are you aware of these signals?

Japan is experiencing days with temperatures close to body temperature. Let's take care of ourselves and each other!

May this be a week with even one more smile, including those in other parts of the world!!


#253 Spotlight on Yourself


#251 Your “Calling” is the Accumulation of Everyday Steps