#253 Spotlight on Yourself

One of the things I think is a challenge if I am not aware is putting a focus on myself. How often do you shine the spotlight on yourself?

I had a sudden free day on Monday, so I went to the mountains for a one-night retreat.

It was not a camping trip, but an overnight stay at a hot spring resort.

I was feeling a little low on energy, so I took this as an opportunity to change my environment and headed for the mountains.

At first, I just sat around looking at the greenery and drinking coffee.

I realized that even this simple act of sitting to have a cup of coffee was something I really needed.

There were many families on summer vacation around me, and I was impressed by the fathers trying their best to spend quality time with their families.

After dinner, I went to bed early, listening to my favorite music.

It was the next day that I had a slight change of emotions within myself.

I felt like I wanted to share the time I spent here with my loved ones.

There was a sudden feeling of missing them, and I thought about what kind of comments they would make if I were in this same space with them.

I thought that because I took the time to focus only on myself, now I longed to share that with those around me as well. This was a feeling that arose because I put the spotlight on myself and felt that love for myself first and foremost.

I think it’s quite common to put our attention to what’s going on around us, instead of inward.

Have you been giving your emotions the spotlight they deserve lately?

Do you love and appreciate all of your emotions in the first place?

Many of my past coaching clients and Efficiency Challenge participants started out by not being able to focus on themselves.

I have commented to them, "You need to shine the spotlight on yourself!" 

I am sure that this will lead them to care for the people around them.

There are many people who are not aware of their own limitations in doing things on their own. If this is the case, I highly recommend giving coaching a try, in a way that works for you.

Japan continues to be in the midst of a heat wave. Take care of your health!

I wish all of you, including those in other countries, a week with even one more smile!


#254 Understanding how small your world is


#252 "I Need a Vacation Alert"