#254 Understanding how small your world is

Do you ever feel how small your environment or daily life is? Do you ever become aware of such things?

Watching the Olympics, I noticed the various reactions of the athletes from different countries and the way they cheered.

I was reminded that there are so many different countries and people outside of Japan.

I think there are many people who think that the Olympics and other events have nothing to do with their daily lives.

But I am sure those same people have had some glimpses of feeling something else when exposed to different environments and people they’re not usually around.

When you’re in a different environment and the everyday scene you are in now is completely different, how does that make you feel?

Excited, adventurous, or alienated and perhaps longing for home?

That realization is only possible once you are away from your current environment.

I feel that it is very important to recognize that there is are hundreds of environments and “everyday” scenes that are different from the one you are used to.

Sometimes it is the experience of changing jobs, or when you go on a trip.

If you are currently on summer vacation and away from your usual environment, this may be a good time to take a moment to reflect on your usual environment and what “ordinary” might mean in that environment only.

Understanding how limited your usual environment can be may help you to make your current environment even more fulfilling.

I myself would like to continue to consciously put myself in different environments from time to time.

In Japan, many people are on Obon or summer vacation.

Please cherish and enjoy what you feel in the not-so-usual environment you may be in.

I hope that this week will bring even one more smile to the faces of people from other countries as well!


#255 Three ways to instantly change your state of mind


#253 Spotlight on Yourself