#255 Three ways to instantly change your state of mind

Are you enjoying your vacation, but still having a hard time motivating yourself afterwards? I know many of you are in Japan after the vacations, so I would like to share with you three ways to change your state of mind!

These are the methods I learned when I studied NLP coaching.

I use these methods myself when I change my mind and I hope they will be of some help to you.

1. Change your focus

For example, when you are aware of something you don't like, try not to think about it.

At that point, you are focused on the thing you don't like.

Now try to become aware of something completely different.

Then change your focus.

Did your feelings change when you changed your point of view?

2. Change your words

Be a little more conscious of the words you say.

For example, after saying negative words for a long time, do you find yourself feeling that way? What is the difference in the way you use words when your motivation is up?

Think about that difference for a moment.

3. Change your physical

It is not the same as saying, “Please go to the gym! is not the same as saying, “Go to the gym right away!

For example, you can do some simple stretches, take a walk around the neighborhood, or do some other simple physical activity.

Have you noticed any changes in yourself after trying it in between work or tasks?

Summer is the season, and you have many opportunities to spend time in different environments.

It can be difficult to return to your daily routine afterwards, or you want to concentrate but can't do it for a while.

In such a case, please try the three methods introduced here.

You may discover something new.

And we are looking forward to hearing from you via comments or DM!

I myself was not involved in the Obon vacation, but I felt a little more relaxed than usual in Tokyo.

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#256 Beyond your titles


#254 Understanding how small your world is