#256 Beyond your titles

How many titles or roles do you have? Are you bound by them? What is beyond being restricted by them?

I would like to share the two most recent times I have had occasion to touch on this topic.

The first time was at a meeting for my upcoming collaborative event.

It was when I explained how I came to start my own business, and why it was necessary for me.

I felt strongly that I needed what I could get from each of the two jobs (corporate and human development/coaching), and that there was added value to be gained from both jobs.

On the corporate side, I can work on a certain scale, and the number of people involved is different.

On the human resource development and coaching side, I can accompany the person in a more personal way.

If one of these is missing, I am not fulfilled.

The second time was when I heard a recent statement from an artist I have been supporting.

He commented that he has been a singer, voice actor, and musical actor, but that he doesn't think he needs to be limited to one thing or title.

Just because you are a singer, does that mean you won't be doing any voice acting or other work in the future? That is not the case.

He also commented that he thinks it is okay for someone who is a dancer while continuing to work as a corporate worker to call himself a dancer.

He said that everyone should do what they want to do, without getting caught up in titles.

In other words,

1. Having several titles/roles gives you more options.

2. You don't have to be confined to one title, you don't have to narrow it down.

I felt again that when you have more choices, you can bring yourself to a state of greater fulfillment.

And I believe that it is possible to incorporate other things while retaining what you have, without giving up what you have now.

I think it will be more and more important from now on not to be bound by one thing.

I would be happy if this made you think a little about your career and etc.

Weʻre scheduled to have another typhoon this week here in Japan!

I wish everyone, including those in other countries, a week with as many smiles as possible!!


#258 Warning: Have you stopped feeling your emotions?


#255 Three ways to instantly change your state of mind