#258 Warning: Have you stopped feeling your emotions?

I hope you will read this blog, especially if you have somehow recently stopped feeling emotions, have put a lid on them, or are not aware of them.

For the past few days in particular, I have had moments when I felt the need to release an emotion and deal with it.

It feels like it's anxiety, sadness, frustration, and a complex mix of emotions.

I am in the process of dealing with these thoroughly, as I know that I should not leave this unattended for too long.

I am self-coaching to see what I am feeling for a limited period of time.

The point of this limited time period is to not let it drag for long.

There are different ways to face my emotions, but I like music quite a bit, so I decided on the method of releasing while listening to music.

When I did that, lots of tears came out.

It is not simply just crying, but the image of being purified.

I’ve set a time limit for this process - I started yesterday and will only do so until tomorrow morning. 

I will continue this blog tomorrow to see how things are going, as today I still feel a bit short of fully releasing everything.

In the morning after the limited release period of various emotions, I did my routine walk and meditation.

I do my walk three times a day when I work from home, morning, noon, and night.

This is to change my focus by moving my body. 

I believe that even a short time is effective.

The meditation takes about 10 minutes and I use an app.

During the meditation, I had time to imagine the feelings I wanted to feel that day. 

There are three feelings that always come up.

I think this is what the deepest part of me is looking for because they pop up during the meditation almost every time.

I will share more about this separately. 

How do you feel now about your feelings that you have been facing for the past few days? 

I think I was holding back on this part of myself again, and that I was actually sad.

And I felt that it is important for me to realize that my feelings are not the problem.

I feel this especially with so-called “negative” feelings.

Every emotion is a part of yourself.

Once you understand that, I think it will lead to what kind of feelings you want to spend your days feeling from now on.

But what if you put a lid on it and don't feel the emotions in the first place?

I would like you to set aside some time, even if it is only a few minutes, to face your emotions.

There is a phrase I always say:

“I wish you a day with many smiles, even just one!”

Life has many phases and is not always smooth. That is why I wish for everyone to have at least one reason to smile every day.

It is now September, and it is still hot in Japan.

Let's continue to take care of ourselves!

I am also looking forward to seeing you at the face-to-face collaboration session scheduled at the end of the month.

I wish all of you, including those in other countries, a day with many smiles!


#259 How much are your assets?


#256 Beyond your titles