#259 How much are your assets?

What do you think of when you hear the word “assets”? I'm going to share with you this time when it comes to your overall assets, not just your material assets 😊✨

Let's start with the material part.

Your monthly income, savings, financial products you are managing, etc.

Do you have a detailed and proper grasp of the total?

I have the impression that not many people have a detailed understanding of their assets.

Even if you are going to invest your money, you can't even get to the starting point if you don't know how much you have to begin with.

Do you have a grasp of the amount of your assets that are going out on a regular basis?

If you don't know the amount that is going out, you don't know the final amount.

I recommend that you write everything down, even if it is just a simple list.

Next, let's look at the assets other than material assets.

This is the hard part.

For example, career, relationships, and so on, are the most important ones.

What you have experienced, not only in your work, but also in your relationships, including close family and friends.

I think this is also an important asset for you.

Health is another one and I would say this is the most important asset.

Now, actually write on a piece of paper the material assets on the left and the other assets on the right.

How do you feel, first of all?

You may feel that you want to strengthen this part a little, or you may feel that this part is not as bad as you thought.

How to then connect this to a comprehensive asset management is up to you.

It is wonderful if you already have a good grasp of the above.

If you have only been doing this for a while, please try to write them down.

And be sure to not only write them down, but also think about a plan of action.

When I first started this process, I realized that I did not have a good grasp of the areas other than the material aspects of my business.

Please take a moment to check and review your overall assets.

I would be happy if it would bring some awareness for you.

September is passing quickly.

We look forward to seeing you at our collaborative event at the end of September!

I wish you all a week full of smiles!


#258 Warning: Have you stopped feeling your emotions?