Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#194 Reexamine What You Value

Today was the first in-person seminar hosted by my NLP coaching trainer. I would like to share what I learned there, as I re-examined what I value.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#193 Charting Out Your Desired Future

I included a “life chart” activity during the in-person workshop I held on June 3rd, which involved drawing a timeline of major events in your life thus far according to your level of happiness.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#191 Melting Pot of Races (or Tossed Salad)

I was looking back at my past blogs the other day and thought I would reblog about the “melting pot” of races vs “salad bowls.” Perhaps if you have lived in Japan all your life, this is a part of the world that you don't think about too much.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#188 Choosing a Future Career

Japan has been lagging behind the rest of the world for about six months to a year. We are now reaching a point of closure in Corona. Each of us has spent the past three years standing still or going through various trial-and-error processes.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#187 Evoke the Hero in You

I have had many heroes in my life, since I was a small child. Sometimes they were my parents, sometimes they were characters I admired, and sometimes they were real-life people I admired.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

Don’t Forget to Be Playful

Do you incorporate the spirit of "play" into your work? How about in your daily life? In the past three years, so many people’s life styles have changed…

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