#192 Keep the initiative and balance in your life in your own hands!

After a couple of years of strictly online workshops, I held my first face-to-face session over the weekend. Due to the typhoon, we had to wait until the day of the event to see if we would even be able to hold the event, but luckily, we were able to make it happen!

I would like to share what I felt while sharing and reflecting on this face-to-face session.

First, because this was part of the “Boost Your Efficiency” Challenge, we talked about task and schedule management.

I think many people feel that as soon as it comes to management, they are driven by the quick passage of time that they can't see but feel the tremendous pressure from.

But it is precisely in times like these that we need to take our time and do one thing at a time.

Of course, speed is also important, but in the end, I think it is all about balance.

There is always more than one element to things.

And what each person wants is different.

Human beings are composed of many elements, and only you can know if the balance is good for you.

That is why I feel that it is important to take charge of your life and keep the balance in your own hands, not simply just to have self-love.

I felt this when I listened to everyone's sharing in the face-to-face session, and this time spent together was certainly a gift to me.

And the fact that I could not make a clear decision until the day of the event due to the typhoon was also a gift of "learning" to me as the organizer, because it required a flexible response.

I would like to thank all the participants who made the effort to come to the event in spite of the bad weather, and my friends who supported me throughout the event.

Are you in control of your own initiative and balance?

If not, how can you do it? If you are not currently in control, ask yourself, "How can I do this?”

I am sure you will get an answer from yourself.

Today in Tokyo, the weather is hot like early summer.

I would like to continue to cherish these reflections and dialogue with myself!

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#193 Charting Out Your Desired Future


#191 Melting Pot of Races (or Tossed Salad)