#193 Charting Out Your Desired Future

I included a “life chart” activity during the in-person workshop I held on June 3rd, which involved drawing a timeline of major events in your life thus far according to your level of happiness. There were many things I noticed when I did the work myself beforehand. It made me look deeper into why I was satisfied during the happier phases, and conversely, why I was dissatisfied when the happiness level was low, and how I overcame each situation.

In my case, I created the chart around events that were major turning points  in my life.

During my childhood, I found that my family environment, rather than my own strength, had a large impact on my life.

In my teenage years, I struggled with finding my identity.

After becoming an adult, it was mainly around my career.

Personal events such as my mother's passing and the Great East Japan Earthquake also had a significant impact.

Overall, I can say that I have been facing each event in my own way.

Especially when my sense of happiness was declining, I felt again that I had faced each event one by one and cleared it up.

Conversely, when my happiness was rising, I was satisfied at that moment, but I looked deeper to see what I could do to take it to the next level.

These were manifested in the ups and downs of the curve, and seeing the chart, it made me proud that I got through all of it.

This is not the result of my own efforts alone, but the result of the support of my family and people around me.

I am filled with gratitude for that.

During the face-to-face session, everyone made and shared their own life charts.

Each person’s story was unique, and the charts visually supported the telling of each story.

What kind of life chart will we draw in the future?

What is the life chart that we want?

Where is your current happiness level on your life chart?

And what kind of curve do you hope to see in the future?

The Kanto region in Japan has entered the rainy season.

Do you find it an unpleasant season or a comfortable time to spend indoors?

I wish everyone a week with as many smiles as possible!


#194 Reexamine What You Value


#192 Keep the initiative and balance in your life in your own hands!