#190 If you want to move something, know your key people!

My corporate work was a week of constant visitors from the US. There were a lot of things we could do and topics we could go into because we were face-to-face. I'm sure you too have been getting more face-to-face opportunities lately, but have you noticed any differences or results?

In my case, I feel that it is making a difference and is leading to positive results.

We have been playing catch-up for the past three years, partly because we used to back and forth once a year with each other.

Of course, we will continue to do the parts that can be done online, but when we meet in person, the purpose and intent of the meeting is even more important.

I feel that we tend to discuss topics that are more difficult or challenging, which is why we need to discuss them in person.

I have also reaffirmed that when you want to make things go forward, it is important to understand the key person in place.

This is because the result comes more quickly, and in some cases, if you don't have that person in place, you won't be able to take the next step.

Of course, this can be done online as well, but I think it will be even faster when combined with face-to-face meetings.

I think this is true even if you are not in a company or working.

Even in our personal lives, I think that understanding who our “key” people are will lead to actually moving things forward in a concrete way.

I am sure that you already have a person in mind.

Think about how you can communicate with these people and connect with them to achieve results.

I believe this will lead you to the next step.

Temperatures are changing rapidly these days. It can suddenly become hot or chilly.

Please take care of yourself!

The photo is a work by Tsurutaro Kataoka, whose use of color is one of my favorites and warms up my heart.

I wish you all a week that brings more smile to your face!


#191 Melting Pot of Races (or Tossed Salad)


#189 Your Nature as Revealed by Patterns