#188 Choosing a Future Career

Japan has been lagging behind the rest of the world for about six months to a year. We are now reaching a point of closure in the Coronavirus fiasco. Each of us has spent the past three years standing still or going through various trial-and-error processes.

I am sure that many of you have thought about the implications of working and your lifestyle as a whole during this time.

In my case, a major milestone was that I started two career paths during this period.

For my corporate career, I thought about why I chose the finance industry, and project management in the first place.

I realized that it was because I felt that I wanted to work in a variety of areas and build relationships with different areas rather than working in one hyper-focused area on its own.

In my late 20s, I decided that I wanted to be in a position where I could understand aspects of work that I could not if I stayed in a single area.

That stance remains unchanged today.

However, the question I often ask myself these days is about how the concept of a job or a company will change in the future.

Even if the root of why I chose this job remains the same, how will I respond to recent changes in the concepts of profession and the company?

I feel that I am at a major turning point in my career, and I am wondering what kind of value I can continue to add.

I think it is very important to understand who we are more and more from now on. 

As I reflect on my own mission statement, I hope to continue to build on my two career paths.

Why did you choose your current job, and your current lifestyle?

How do you want to move forward?

We just returned from Golden Week Holidays here in Japan, and many of you may not have returned to your normal pace yet.

Let's take good care of ourselves and do our best! 

I wish all of you a week with many smiles!


#189 Your Nature as Revealed by Patterns


#187 Evoke the Hero in You