Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#249 Knowing Your Role Part 2

A while ago I blogged about the topic of knowing your role. This time, I would like to focus a little on my personal life and share it with you.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#247 Knowing Your Role

How many role assignments do you usually have? What are your professional roles, what are your personal roles, and so on? In this article, I would like to consider the roles you play in your life.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#244 Keeping the Energetic Momentum

I shared in my blog the other day about the energy when people gather and the significance of sharing. This time, I would like to share what I feel in terms of how to keep that energy circulation going beyond that time.

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Maho Kawata Maho Kawata

#242 Being at the Right Place at the Right Time

Yesterday I held an “energy recharge” breakfast get-together with a few clients. I felt the importance of being able to share energy when people come together, at the exact moment when it feels “meant to be.”

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