#241 Message from the land Part 4

The "Messages from the Land" series moves to New York City, where I spent four years of college!

First of all, why New York? The place where I went to high school was so rich in nature that I actually wanted to see the city, lol.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason, but I still remember thinking that I wanted to live in the city.

I also wanted to become a study abroad counselor at the time, so I chose a university that was strong in the fields of education and psychology.

I majored in psychology and minored in education as a result.

Geographically, the university is located a little over an hour away from Manhattan.

It is a very quiet residential area, but within easy reach of Manhattan.

It was also an area with bus and train service, so it was a very convenient location.

It was a good balance of a calm place to live and an easy ride over to Manhattan when I wanted to have fun.

I remember that about roughly two thirds of the students at the university lived in the dormitories, and I was one of them.

Even though it was a dormitory, it was no longer high school, so the rules were quite loose and free.

It was like a shared house.

I spent the first two years in a five-room unit, and then I spent another two years in a private room.

My unit mates are dear "life mates" that I still keep in touch with to this day.

The students and teachers were also very diverse due to the location of New York City.

I think I was able to see a part of America from a different perspective, with a large percentage of Hispanic and Asian immigrants.

And of course, in Manhattan, where there are so many different ethnic groups, I was able to experience a variety of cultures on a daily basis. That is truly an asset for me to this day.

In terms of the connection with the area, it just so happens that my current company's business is also based in New York City.

So, although we usually communicate with them virtually, I am in daily contact with them.

Some of them live in the area where my university is located, so I feel a connection with the area.

The last time I visited New York was just before the pandemic.

I was able to see some of my "life mates" from college. I was also able to meet some of my colleagues from the office there.

It is a place where I spent my student days, and now my circle is expanding with the addition of my business associates.

It is also a place where I still feel a lot of creative energy from in general.

What is the significance of the place where you spent your school days?

Are there any parts of it that are connected to who you are now?

Please share them with us via comments or DM! I look forward to hearing from you!

We are already in the second half of May!

Time really flies, so I remind myself constantly to cherish each and every day.

I wish you a week with as many smiles as possible!


#242 Being at the Right Place at the Right Time


#240 Messages from the land Part 3