#247 Knowing Your Role

How many role assignments do you usually have? What are your professional roles, what are your personal roles, and so on? In this article, I would like to consider the roles you play in your life.

First of all, I would like to share a little about my professional roles.

There are some parts that I cannot write about in detail due to confidentiality, but I will try to explain them as clearly as possible.

For my corporate job, the industry is finance.

I report on the company's performance and manage internal and external projects.

My main role is to consolidate opinions and information from various teams and disseminate them internally and externally.

Therefore, there are many things that I cannot complete on my own, and I have to constantly communicate across the board on a daily basis.

I believe it is very important to be considerate and forward thinking.

I also feel that it is important to listen to the situation of each team and make an effort to understand each situation on site.

I sometimes listen to team members’ complaints, and I also emphasize how I can help them understand the opinions of their superiors.

At the end of the day, it is important to clarify the point of agreement between the various opinions.

And since this role involves a lot of communication with people in other departments, I find it very interesting to have the opportunity to see the company from all different angles.

By understanding my role, it becomes clear what kind of value I can add and what I can offer.

I believe that this is how you establish your own place in the company, or any organization.

In the future, there will be even more demand for added value that only you can provide.

What is your current role in your work?

Not only the role of your position or team, but also the value you can add beyond that.

Regardless of the size of the role, I believe that understanding the added value that only you can provide will lead to a more positive future.

I hope this will be an opportunity for everyone to take a look back at their usual roles and assignments.

I would like to continue this discussion at my next blog episode.

Please let me know what you think in the comments section or via DM!

Japan has entered the rainy season, and it will be rainy for a while.

I’m spending this week with pink hydrangeas to brighten up the mood!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#248 The importance of a place where you can be yourself


#246 Having a good relationship with your emotions