#246 Having a good relationship with your emotions

Emotional management is crucial in both work and in private. As so many people’s personal and work lives are becoming borderless, I feel it will become more and more necessary in the future. I would like to share a few things that I am conscious of in my daily life.

First of all, I try to be honest with my emotions.

It is not difficult to deal with positive emotions.

However, negative emotions can be quite difficult to deal with.

For example, there are times when you don't want to admit that you are inadequate or that you even have those negative feelings in the first place.

Of course, there are times when I am overcome with these so-called negative feelings.

The first step is to acknowledge that the feeling exists and then release it.

I try to write it down in a notebook or quietly think a little bit about why I had the feeling.

In my case, I make it a rule to do this alone.

This is because it is difficult to be honest about negative feelings, especially when they are directed at someone else.

So I accept the feelings of my overall current state, along with the feelings of the positive.

I think it is best to do this process in the way that suits each of us.

I first make a conscious effort to face my own emotions while listening to music in a café that I have discovered.

This way, once I do this, I can organize and digest my thoughts.

Then I share and discuss with others as needed, and in many cases, it works out well.

This is one example of my own process of dealing with my emotions.

Some people may prefer to be at home in silence rather than in a café, or they may prefer to have someone they trust listen to them.

For example, a private coaching session with a trusted coach would be very effective.

The point is to establish a process that is comfortable for you.

I believe it is important to try each one and get closer to your best.

I was watching a medical drama series a while back over the weekend, and I thought that doctors and the like are the ultimate profession where you have to control your overall emotional state.

I also felt that all professions require a high degree of professionalism, and being a doctor especially is one of them.

Do you have a good relationship with your emotions?

Do you accept both positive and negative emotions in a comprehensive manner?

Please share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section or via DM!

We are already halfway through June.

It has been humid here in Tokyo for the past few days, and I am still trying to figure out how to spend my days comfortably.

I wish you all a week full of smiles!


#247 Knowing Your Role


#245 Are you doing what you can first?