#249 Knowing Your Role Part 2

A while ago I blogged about the topic of knowing your role. This time, I would like to focus a little on my personal life and share it with you.

First of all, the most obvious part is your role in terms of family structure. So much strife is caused by unsaid expectation, like “I have to do xxx or be like xxx because I’m their daughter/parent/sister/etc.”

I used to be like that. I used to believe that because I am the eldest daughter, I have to do this.

In my case, it was not that I did not want to do so, and of course I acted naturally for the most part.

But with aging and time going by, there are various changes in circumstances.

So, at some point, I felt it was necessary to look back at my role.

Reviewing one's role and communicating with other family members to further deepen one's self-understanding was part of this process. 

I realized that this would lead to the sharing of these roles and cooperation, or even a change in roles.

I also found that I was able to release myself from the "I have to" mindset.

I am at this particular stage in my life, and it’s okay to let other members to take on different roles.

It is very important to start from such a place and be flexible.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove the framework of roles entirely.

Life is always in motion, and I believe that is what living is all about.

Have you been able to update your role(s) in your life?

And if you are working, are you balancing that role with your overall role?

It has been extremely hot in Japan.

Let's take care of our health!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


#250 Who is it for after all?


#248 The importance of a place where you can be yourself