#250 Who is it for after all?

I have been gradually letting go of things in a positive way over the past few months. In the process, I realized something: Who is it for in the end? I would like to share this with those who are in the process of letting go or would like to do so in the future.

First of all, why did I decide to let go?

This is a sensory thing, but I began to be more aware of when things felt “off” more and more often.

It was not a specific person or object, but I was having more and more moments of feeling "this is not right".

Sometimes it was at work, and sometimes it was in my personal life.

Perhaps this is a sense of anxiety that was showing me a sign that if I neglected it, I would suffer.

I have been conscious of several important things since a few months ago, starting with what I can do now.

First of all, I have to tell the other person that I am thinking this way, and I have to spend more time talking with myself than usual.

Above all, I have reaffirmed the importance of forgiveness and release within myself.

One of the questions I ask myself at such times is:

Who is it for?

What I’ve concluded is that I think it's for everyone.

I realized that in many cases, the reason why I am not releasing is because of my own factors.

I realized again that the process of letting go is difficult for me because of my temperament, and I need to be aware of that in order to release and do the necessary letting go.

Of course, it depends on the case, but in the end, it is you who releases yourself.

This process can be a difficult one.

In such a case, I would like you to start with what you can do right now and think a little about who you are doing it for.

Then, I would like you to release not alone, but with someone who will accompany you.

There are limits to what you can do alone, so it’s important to seek the help where you need it.

I wish you all a week with many smiles!


#251 Your “Calling” is the Accumulation of Everyday Steps


#249 Knowing Your Role Part 2