The Maker’s Feelings


We’re right in the middle of rainy season in Tokyo - how has your week been?

I just launched the English version of my Boost Your Efficiency Challenge last week, and to take a break over the weekend, I went on a day trip to pick peaches and cherries in Yamanashi Prefecture (an area known as the “Fruit Kingdom”).

We had the opportunity to be toured around the orchard by one of the growers, so I wanted to share that experience today.

First of all, I was surprised that the trees were tall - over 2 meters - and they pollinate them twice. It was clear that there was a lot of work involved in making these cherries.

He gave us advice on how to harvest the best-tasting fruit. The same orchard also grows peaches, so we were able to try some new strains.

He was excited to tell us that he loves hearing from people how delicious their fruits are. He emphasized specifically that he likes hearing that their orchard is the best, instead of the whole region.

By listening to him share passionately, I really felt that it makes a huge difference in how we (as customers) feel about the products. 

And the simple compliments that he receives that their orchard has delicious fruit - these words fueled their passion even more.

I could tell that he was also very observant of how we were taking in the information, so it reminded me of how important it is to always be thinking about how the recipient of your information is receiving what you’re sharing.

And of course, to always keep trying something new.

I believe these lessons are applicable to all of us, whatever profession we are in.

The second half of 2021 has started already! I’m feeling the need to really cherish each day and keep moving forward.

Is there anything new that you are wanting to try in this second half of the year? Or maybe make some adjustments and recalibrations on what you’re already doing?

It looks like there are more lockdowns in various places in the world - I hope that we can all stay positive and keep a smile on our face, no matter the circumstance. I’m always wishing you well!


Focused in the Moment


Put a Smile in Your Heart