Please note: Registration is currently closed, but you can sign up for the waitlist below to be the first to get notified about the next Challenge!
⏰ Boost Your Efficiency Challenge ⏰
Monday, June 21 - Friday, June 25, 2021
Cost: Free
You have your goals and dreams… but everyday goes by just trying to keep up with the things you “have” to do.
You end up trying to do too many things at once, and nothing gets finished.
This frustration leads to mindless escapes into the world of social media or TV.
You stay up way too late and can’t get a good night’s rest.
Waking up in the morning is rough.
The unfinished tasks linger in and clog up your brain.
The pile of tasks get bigger and bigger, and you end up canceling weekend plans or any of your own quality time (or worse, want to just give up on it all!)
If you can relate to even just a little bit of this… this free Challenge is for you!
⚡️Becoming more efficient means more quality time in both your personal and professional life.
What do I mean by "spending quality time”? It means:
☑️You have less stress
☑️You’re less irritated
☑️You have more time being happy
☑️There’s more time with people you love
Boosting your efficiency is not just about improving your performance. It’s really about being able to have the type of quality “me time” you’ve always wanted.
👩🏻 About Maho Kawata
I have been a project manager and team manager in the finance industry for about 23 years. As both a project manager and a recently certified NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) Master Practitioner, I am creating some programs based on my experience and expertise for both individuals and organizations to uplevel their skills.
I’ve been under some major pressure in my professional career - from starting up a foreign office for a major global company, building an emergency site after the 3/11 earthquake in Japan, to digitizing stocks, the amount of responsibilities I’ve had were sometimes enormous.
Because of the nature of my work, I was forced to find the most efficient ways to bring everything to completion, which I now want to share with you.
☝️The key is to make it easy for yourself.
Many people tell me that I’m such a “go-getter” or that I always have everything put together. I may seem like that on the outside… but in reality, I’m actually very lazy.
I’m very conscious of this, so I needed to create my own efficiency skills that were extremely easy to fit into my day-to-day life.
It would defeat the whole purpose if I made my efficiency tools difficult to implement, right!?
💻 Registration for this Challenge is currently closed. We plan on launching another one very soon, so if you’d like to be notified, please enter your name and email address below.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you! 😊
Disclaimer: When you register using this form, you will start receiving emails from Maho Kawata regarding the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge, as well as related information. If you ever want to unsubscribe, you can do so with one click. Your personal information is securely collected and will never be shared or sold to any third party.
What People Are Saying
“Your advice helped me to really clarify what I actually needed to do instead of this overwhelming feeling of “I have so much to do” - and completing my tasks became so much easier. Thank you so much, I would love to join any future Challenges you have!”
— Challenge participant
“I had so much fun with this Challenge! Your post-it assignment was especially useful, so simple, and made me feel so accomplished at the end of the day! I can’t thank you enough!”
— Challenge participant
“I thought I didn’t have ANY time to take for myself, but this Challenge made me realize that I simply wasn’t utilizing my time well. Now the time I get to spend for myself and my family increased and I also feel much more grateful for these moments that I can create. Thank you.”