What We Can Learn From History

I went to Kyoto on a sudden impulse for an overnight stay - it’s been quite a while since I had last visited. I would like to share with you what I learned about history and what I felt was connected to the future.

The first place I visited was Eikando Hall. I was greeted by "Mikaeri Amida."

It is believed to have been created by a Buddhist priest in Kyoto during the Kamakura period.

It is a dignified Amida statue that is looking back. Amida is Amitabha, the main Buddha of Pure Land Buddhism.

It is a pity that I cannot share the photo directly with you since photography was prohibited inside the temple.

This is a modern interpretation of the image of "Mikaeri Amida Nyorai,” quoted from their brochure:

 An attitude of waiting for those who fall behind.

 An attitude of waiting for those who are behind us.

 An attitude of love and compassion.

 An attitude of compassionate care for those around us.

 The leader's attitude of grasping the situation in order to move forward correctly with sentient beings.

I felt that history is not only about the past, but also a message to those who live in the present, and to those who live in times of change and upheaval.

I also visited a different temple, Shorinji, where I saw a seasonal flower water set up, but in a Halloween theme, as you can see in the photo below!

I did some research and found that many temples hold events like this that have nothing to do with Buddhism.

Although not directly related to Buddhism in Japan, many temples are relatively tolerant of foreign events because of the increase in the number of young priests in Japan today.

In addition, the unique cultural background of Japan, where Christmas is celebrated and New Year's, where people go to Shinto shrines, is also celebrated, and the fact that Buddhism is tolerant to a greater extent than other religions, seem to be the reasons for the situation.

I felt that this is one of the initiatives that will lead the way to the future.

It was a sudden idea, but it was a trip that gave me many things to think about.

I wish you a week with as many smiles as possible!


Quality Time


Importance of focusing on the moment