Importance of focusing on the moment

These days, there are many different tools for communication: social media, Facetime, chat, etc. But are we really communicating?

The other day, I was watching a TV program where a man was looking at three different social networking sites at the same time.

He spends his days eating and listening to different media outlets at the same time.

Of course, each person makes his or her own choices, and I am not in a position to judge whether they are good or bad.

However, I wonder what I would do if I were him. What choice would I make?

Take, for example, a work situation.

When I have to multitask, I feel that prioritizing one task at a time and making sure it gets done is the best way for me to do it.

In my personal life, I feel it is important to focus on communicating with the people right in front of me.

This is because the other person will always know whether you’re only communicating superficially.

For example, have you ever had the experience of feeling that the other person is not concentrating on the conversation or not focusing on communicating with you right now?

In the workplace, this can lead to mistakes, and you may have to do the same work again.

In your personal life, you may feel that you are not in the same place at the same time, and that you are not sharing joy in the same space, even if you’re in close proximity to one another.

Communication can take many forms.

However, I believe that by focusing on each person and each thing we’re engaging with, we can be more efficient, enjoyable, empathetic, and fun.

And above all, I feel that it also leads to showing respect to others and in return, ourselves.

October is almost over! It's almost time to start talking about the end of the year.

In Japan, the temperature has dropped dramatically today, and I am glad that I have gotten all my winter clothes out!

I wish you a week with as many smiles as possible!


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