Quality Time

With the start of November, I feel that the end of the year is quickly approaching. I still feel that these last couple of months are hectic, but it is also an exciting time of year.

In my case, Christmas is especially important to me because of my mother's influence.

Every year we would slowly roast a whole turkey in the oven and eat it with my family around the table.

It may not be an exaggeration to say that my mother always had a large equipped oven for this purpose, which is generally not a common thing in Japan.

And because of this, I now have a large oven in my own home as well.

Now that she has passed away, we continue that custom and spirit as much as possible and cherish the time we spend with close friends and others.

The picture is of me a few years ago, inviting some close friends over for Christmas, and I was clearly pleased with the turkey that I had successfully baked, lol.

After all, the opportunity to dine and hear about what's going on with those close to me and those I love is the definition of “quality time” for me.

I know we can communicate online, but I feel that spending time together in a physical space is different. It also gives me more energy than anything else.

Of course, I believe that "quality time" is also very important in terms of work.

When we overcome a difficult situation together at work, or when a project that we have spent a lot of time discussing comes to fruition…

When I share time with our clients in human resource development or coaching, or when I receive good news about recent developments…

The joy I feel when I share these moments with them gives me more strength than anything else.

After all, it is precisely because the world is in such a situation right now that I believe these types of real quality time is necessary.

That’s why I always remind myself to just start with one thing I can do or one commitment I can make to make room for things that nourish myself.

What kind of quality time do you feel empowered by?

I wish you all a wonderful day with as many smiles as possible!


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