The Implications of Working Abroad

Recently, I have been imagining working overseas again and thinking about the future and where I would like to set up my base.

With the development of remote technology and the changing concept of "location," what does "base" mean to me?

Currently, my company's work is based in Japan. 

However, I work mainly with people from two locations in the U.S., so in a sense, I am working "overseas.”

I have also been working 100% remotely for more than 2 years, so even in Japan, my entire team and each family works from their own "base.“

My own coaching and human resource development work has also undergone a major change in the context of location - all of my offerings are currently done online.

This means that the hurdle of physical distance, whether overseas or in Japan, has been lowered.

Therefore, I believe that the meaning of physically going abroad to work as in the past will be entirely different.

As I mentioned earlier, in a sense I am already working abroad.

The next thing that comes up is the meaning of one’s "base.”

Where do I set up my base and what kind of life do I want to lead?

I would like to think about it again, seriously and comprehensively, while having fun.

The picture is of me in my office in Singapore, desperately trying to finish my work while eating Christmas cake. I miss those days!

What do you consider as your "base" location and what does it mean to you?

Spring equinox marks the official start of spring in Japan, but suddenly it was snowing and cold in Tokyo!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!




Time to Comprehensively Think Ahead


Quality time that enriches my heart