Quality time that enriches my heart

I believe that each one of us has what we consider to be special times that enrich our hearts.

For me, the top of the list is spending time with the people I care about. Of course, there is the simple enjoyment of that time, but there’s more to it than that.

So I inquired to myself: why is this time so fulfilling for me?

And the answers that came to me were simple:

  • Because we’re growing and improving together.

  • And because of this growth, we can lift each other up.

I realized once again that this part of my relationships with those closest to me is very important to me, and I think this helps us appreciate each other even more.

This applies to other things as well, but I like to approach things from the angle of "What is the purpose and meaning of this?” I believe this leads to our ability to connect the dots and clarifying the real purpose and meaning behind whatever it is we’re dealing with.

In the workshop we held a little while ago, we also asked ourselves, "Why are we doing it?” I shared with everyone that the "how" part often comes first, but if you clarify the "why" part first, you will naturally understand your priorities.

Especially in this time of rapid change, I hope that by getting down to this “why”, we can spend more time enriching our own hearts and minds.

We’ve been enjoying some warm weather in Japan for the past few days. It looks like the cherry blossom season will be here in a short while.

Wishing you all a week with lots of smiles!


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