Time to Comprehensively Think Ahead

I received a few days off from work on the corporate side and spent some time quiet time for myself away from home. The purpose was partly to relax, but also to spend time to think comprehensively about the future. I need this kind of time to get away from my daily routine.

Especially now, things are changing rapidly and the speed is getting faster and faster. I also feel an impending sense of crisis in many ways.

That is why I feel the importance of "self" as an asset.

It is not just about rewarding myself. It’s about reading books to gain new knowledge, compiling points for improvement, and thinking about what I can do in the limited time I have.

In my opinion, our "assets" do not increase on their own. Periodic reviews and sometimes upgrades are necessary.

Time to think comprehensively about the future.

This is the time that gives me so much value beyond just “taking a vacation.”

I am grateful to have this time and feel how blessed I am to have it.

I will continue to do my best so I am able to have this type of freedom in the future.

I stayed by a lake this time, and it reminded me of my high school days in the US.

My high school in New Hampshire was also located by a large lake.

It was a very cold area, with temperatures reaching -20 degrees Celsius in the winter time.

The color of the lake changed depending on the temperature of the day, and as winter approached, it always turned a deep blue.

I spent my days watching those colors as I walked from my dorm to my classes. In midwinter, the ice was about two meters thick, so the color of the water was invisible.

As I reminisced, I decided to continue to take care of my "assets” - the invisible ones we cannot see.

I also learned a lot from the study session I held online on Friday, where we shared various ideas on how we should work in the future. Thanks to all the participants!

The cherry blossoms are about to be in full bloom in Tokyo, signifying the coming of spring.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


A New Tool for Using Time Efficiently


The Implications of Working Abroad