Task Management Isn’t Just About Work

When you hear the word "task management," you may think of "work" management, or you may think that there is no need for task management if you’re not working. However, I believe that self-management needs to be comprehensive and include all aspects of your life.

When I started my career in finance, I managed tasks only for my job and for my team.

I thought that I had to manage tasks because it was my job, and my personal life came next - or often, on the back burner.

Of course, my career was at early stage and I was probably so one-track minded.

But as I did this, even though I felt a sense of accomplishment from my work, it did not satisfy my own heart.

It wasn’t every weekend, but there were times when I felt like I was burning out.

Gradually, I became aware of the need for a clear on/off switch, and shifted to comprehensive self-management that included managing my personal schedule and tasks.

After all, our life is not only about work, nor is it only about our personal life.

I believe that the key is to maintain a good overall balance.

And now that I have my own two careers and am working in a hybrid style at a company, I am experiencing this necessity even more.

I am sure that many of you reading this blog have a variety of lifestyles.

Am I managing only a part of myself?

If you ask yourself this question, you may be able to see task management and self-management from a different perspective.

This past weekend, I hosted the kick-off session for the Advanced Boost Your Efficiency challenge.

I learned a lot as I facilitated and listened to everyone share, especially from the intimate setting.

The rainy season has ended in the Kanto region in Japan today. And the heat wave continues. 

Please take care of yourself!

I wish everyone in the rest of the world a week with as many smiles as possible!


What Accomplishment Feels Like to You


The Importance of Communication on Both Sides