Shifts in Added Values

There was an interview on a podcast that I was listening to a few days ago that was about current shifts in added values. I think there are a variety of changes that have resulted from changes in infrastructure, changes in circumstances, and so on. This made me think about what “added value” is in the first place, and what meaning or impact it has for my life.

First, I looked up the dictionary meaning of the word.

Whenever I want to reflect on something deeper, I often look it up on a dictionary to go back to basics and make sure that I’m understanding the true meaning of the word/phrase.

This is because I sometimes discover something new, or my interpretation may have been a little off to begin with.

The following is a direct quote from a Japanese dictionary:

Added Value

1 New value added in the production process. It is the total production value for a given period minus the cost of raw materials, fuel, etc. and depreciation, which is the sum of labor costs, interest, and profit.

2 Unique value added to a product, service, etc., that cannot be found anywhere else.

This is my personal interpretation, but without a solid foundation or base of "value" to begin with, I do not believe that any additional "values" can be added.

This is why I believe it’s important to review the foundation of one’s own values, or the values of whatever project or service that is being offered.

I constantly review the values of the products and services that I offer, then think about what the “added” values are - whether that’s something I have to create or something that’s already there.

If the foundation of a business needs to be fundamentally changed, changing only the "additions" will not lead to long-lasting results.

Although the scale of each business may differ, I believe this can be said of work in general.

Also, with the changing times, there is a change in value and what people perceive as valuable.

In the Money version of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge that we are currently offering, we asked participants to think about asset value when they listed their assets.

Because the values of the assets themselves are changing due to various factors, any additional values are changing as well.

During this time of change, I believe that it is a valuable exercise to create unique opportunities for adding value, because we cannot just remain stuck and continue offering what used to work before.

I would like to continue to be conscious of this, not only in my work but also as an individual, to the extent that I am able to do so.

In Tokyo, I can feel the autumn in the wind.

I am also feeling autumn in the delicious seasonal gift I receive from my friend!

And the changing of the seasons is always a time that can be challenging for the body, so please take good care of your health!

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


Work-life Balance


Solving Problems on Your Own First