Solving Problems on Your Own First

Recently, I’ve been feeling that it’s very important to solve and pursue our own problems before we involve other people. What is your definition of solving and pursuing things on your own? Do you find the process enjoyable?

As I have shared in my blog before, there’s a lot of detailed work that goes on behind the scenes in project management.

It may not be an exaggeration to say that that’s the majority of the work as a project manager.

I collect information from others through interviews or other means, then I actively deepen my own understanding on my own before I do anything else.

In looking at past experiences and cases, it is usually the case that a project goes downhill when the hearing is taken up, but people are not able to understand how to solve the case or pursue the issues from that point on.

I also see that in many of these cases, the documents and materials look neat and pretty, but real communication is lacking - and the other parties are in the dark about what to actually do.

I believe that you must first have a full understanding of the entire case yourself to get there.

Of course, you cannot do everything by yourself.

The important point is how much you can make the effort to understand everything and come up with all the options for problem solving first, then involve the people around you in a positive way.

Then, I think the effort you put into trying to solve the problem to the best of your ability or pursue it will be conveyed to the other party.

When they see that attitude, I believe their behavior and attitude will also shift in a positive way.

I think this is true not only at work, but also in our personal lives.

So many people either want to burden themselves by assuming that you can’t share openly with others, or they don’t try to solve the problem on their own at all.

But when the other party sees that you are doing your best, change will most likely occur.

In no time at all, it’s the last week of August!

In Tokyo, I can feel a little bit of autumn in the mornings and evenings.

Wishing you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


Shifts in Added Values


Learning From Your Own Growth Potential