How to Break Out of Old Patterns

In the past few weeks, I’ve attended several events where I’ve had the opportunity to think about how I deal with my corporate work. It was a good chance for me to think about what I can learn from the specific situations that I’m in and what I can do to move things forward. In my coaching work, I received happy reports from my client, who has made tremendous progress on so many areas of her life.

Maybe every job comes with things that feel like a challenge and things that need to be improved a bit here and there.

But do you ever find yourself stuck in a negative spiral or pattern of "it used to be this way" or "it can't be helped"?

What can you do to help yourself?

I asked myself this question concerning an aspect of my job and am now in the process of taking some concrete action related to it.

The first thing I did was to break old patterns in a positive way.

Specifically, I changed the main person I communicate with.

More specifically, this person has decision-making abilities that can move things along faster.

When I did this, we saw changes and results right away.

This simple change, in turn, also led to breaking out of more old patterns.

I have blogged before about the importance of having your own support team, and I believe that when you want to make a big change, you need to have a key person be a part of that support team.

Having a coach is also an opportunity to break out of your old patterns and negative spirals.

What are your own patterns? The learning that emerges from this process will lead to a plan for the future.

I highly recommend that you get a session with a coach who can accompany you and meet your needs.

It's another hot and humid day here in Tokyo! Let's make sure we take good care of ourselves!

To those of you in the rest of the world, I wish you a great week with some smiles on your face!


More than One Way to Approach Things


The Next Steps as a Company