The Next Steps as a Company

Last week, for the first time in about three years, management from our New York headquarters visited us in Japan and shared with us about the next steps for the organization in the future. I would like to share what I felt in direct physical contact with him and what I felt in light of my own future work style.

When we were talking about the challenges for the next step of the organization and what management is looking for, I really felt the necessity of direct, face-to-face communication.

I was especially impressed by the energy in his eyes when we talked about the company’s future. These are things that we can only partially pick up on via web conference.

I was also able to see how much importance he also places on actual face-to-face communication.

It was a great opportunity for me to understand what the leaders of the company focus on and where they place their values.

It also gave me an idea of what kind of specific work I will be doing in the future, how I will achieve results, and what challenges I will be facing within the company.

I also felt that in general, the leaders need to be more proactive in communicating the current situations and directions of the company to their employees, as work styles are becoming more diverse.

I think this is more necessary than ever before to avoid a decrease in employee motivation and a decline in the quality of work.

I was reaffirmed this week that it is difficult to improve an organization unless it’s a two-way street between the management side and the employee side.

Aside from work, I watched a video at the home of a friend who loves Elvis Presley.

I learned about American history as seen through the eyes of Elvis Presley.

It was a great opportunity to learn about history in a different way, thanks to my friend.

It was extremely hot in Tokyo today. I see news of hot weather all over the world, not just in Japan.

Please take good care of yourself.

I wish everyone a week with some big smiles on your faces!


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