Facing Our Own Blindspots

When have you had time to reflect objectively on yourself recently? How well do you think you know yourself? Today I want to share about facing yourself and how that can will lead you to the next step.

Let me start by sharing about myself.

Before I encountered NLP coaching a few years ago, I thought I had a good understanding of myself and my nature.

However, when I had the opportunity to look at myself objectively from all angles, I realized how little I understood myself.

I was also embarrassed by the parts of myself that I didn't want to admit were part of me.

When you come into contact with these blindspots, do you leave them as they are or do you confront them seriously?

I feel that the outcome will be completely different depending on the decision you make.

And it is not anyone else around you who are making that decision, but yourself.

It is often said that there is no such thing as a perfect person, but I believe that there are many aspects of human beings.

Sometimes I am at my best, and that is what makes me feel like a human being. I believe that’s why we have the five senses, so that we can feel what it’s like to be human.

A few days ago, we held a group session for the MONEY version of the Boost Your Efficiency Challenge.

This session was the culmination of the 21-day challenge.

We went through the cycle of understanding the current situation, creating an ideal image, analyzing the gap between the ideal and reality, understanding our own patterns, continuing the process and making it a habit, and finally creating an actual plan, both short and long term.

Many of the comments I received during the challenge were about the participants finding out aspects of their lives that they had not seen or faced previously.

I believe that it was only by facing these issues again that they were able to see them, and that led them to their next steps and actions.

Sharing experiences and opinions with each other also leads to awareness, which in turn leads to the next step.

I think there are many people who are especially busy with their daily lives nowadays, busy with things other than themselves.

I would like them to take a look back at themselves.

I am sure that there are many things that can be seen through this process.

And of course, taking care of yourself will lead to taking care of those around you.

It is the last day of a consecutive holiday weekend in Japan, and a typhoon is approaching.

The Kanto area is expected to be affected. Please be careful, everyone!

I wish you a good week!


Believing in Your Own Potential


Work-life Balance