Believing in Your Own Potential

I was listening to a podcast a while ago and was struck by something a speaker said about potential, so I thought I would share it with you.

This podcast is for people who are starting or expanding their business.

“Do you have a message for the audience?” The moderator asked the guest speaker.

He replied matter-of-factly:

"We have unlimited possibilities. Now we can even go to the moon."

When I heard that message, I found myself simply convinced.

Many people are blocked from the very beginning, thinking that they cannot do this or that they will not be accepted.

I think there are many people who have such thoughts.

I think there are also many people who think that their blocks are from the people around them.

But is it really so? Could it be their own doing?

Looking back on my past, whenever I was able to start from a place of believing in my own potential, I have been able to see results.

Studying abroad, finding jobs both in Japan and in other countries, shifting employment status, and so on.

Take a look back at your past events…

They may not have been the outcome you first envisioned, and everything may not have ended up perfect.

But as for believing in your own potential more than anyone else and taking one step forward in your own way - didn’t those things eventually lead to positive results and achievements?

If you don't have the courage or experience to do so yet, I would like you to start by believing in your own potential.

I, too, will continue to believe in my own potential and take on new challenges.

I may slow down at times. I may falter a little, and things may not be what I initially envisioned.

But I believe that after I give it my best, there will be a different scenery waiting for me.

Maybe in the future I will even be typing up this blog from the moon, lol.

The weather in Japan was bad except for the last day of the three-day weekend. Some areas were damaged by heavy rain, and I hope for a quick recovery.

I wish all of you, including those in other countries and regions, a week with some smiles on your faces!


I Want to Hear Your Story


Facing Our Own Blindspots