I Want to Hear Your Story

Just the other day, I was reflecting on my learning history and past experiences. When I look back on my life in this way, I not only look back on my career, but I also feel different emotions arising. Have you had a chance to look back on your personal history recently?

If you are a regular worker, you may look back on your work history on your resume or other documents.

However, I imagine that there are not very many opportunities to look back on your past studies.

In my case, about a week ago, I took stock of my own learning history.

In doing so, I was able to revisit various feelings and thoughts from that time, including feeling like I did my best, but to be honest, it didn't work out, I felt frustrated, etc. Together with these feelings and thoughts, I was able to recall the history of my own learning.

I felt that this process of comprehensively unraveling my story would somehow connect me to my future.

What I especially felt this time was that I really enjoy hearing other people’s stories as well, whether that’s with my coaching clients, or as a friend.

When I reflect like this, I am taking a comprehensive inventory of my story.

Individual stories cannot be expressed in words alone... and when we truly feel it, that’s where the beauty of our humanness lies.

Japan was blessed with beautiful weather over the weekend.

On Saturday, I was invited by a close friend to go for a drive to Lake Kawaguchi.

Mt. Fuji and its surroundings still felt a bit like summer, and we caught up on each other’s lives.

I am thankful to have some quality time with a friend in this way.

I wish you all a week with as many smiles as possible!


The Seasons of Life


Believing in Your Own Potential