Dependence or Co-Existence

I believe that "relationships" are a factor in the growth of both individuals and organizations. Personal relationships, community relationships, company relationships, and so on. Are you dependent on them or do you coexist and prosper with them?

Dependence means to exist or live in dependence on others.

In Japanese, there is a phrase Kyo-zon Kyo-ei, which means “coexistence and co-prosperity. This means two or more things surviving and prospering together without being hostile to each other.

I thought about all of the companies that I’ve worked at and how dependence and coexistence related to each one.

Industry: Finance

Size: Large companies with thousands of employees to small and medium-sized companies with tens to hundreds of employees.

Japanese companies, foreign companies, both European and American.

Location: Japan, Singapore

So there were various differences in corporate culture, size, and location.

But what about the "relationship" between myself and each company?

The truth was that I was not happy with all the companies.

When I look back on the times when I was not happy, it was when the relationship between me and the company was one of dependence. This was the major common denominator.

On the other hand, when I was happy, I was clear about what I wanted and as a result, could coexist and co-prosper with them, leading to mutual growth.

I think the important starting point is to understand yourself and what you want from the relationship.

I believe that thinking about how to work from this perspective will lead you to an even better environment for yourself.

Today, there was news that rainy season started in Tokyo.

It is a gloomy season, but I hope you can spend your time as comfortably as possible.

And to the rest of you out there, I wish you a week with a lot of smiles!


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