A Trick Called Multi-Tasking

Nowadays, there are many different ways of working and living, and we have many different roles to play. This is true not only at work, but also in our personal lives. In these situations, we have to “multitask.”

I sometimes hear from people who are having a bit of a hard time because they think they have to "multitask." I would like to share my own definition of "multitasking."

I myself play the role of a "do everything" within my company.

A more official way to put it would be “project manager,” lol.

My main role is to support and coordinate representative members from all areas of the company toward the final goal of the project.

I do all the support and work that I can do, including the sometimes tedious detail work.

The important thing is to manage my own schedule first.

What do I need to complete now? And equally as important: what do I not need to do now?

Finally, I look at the master list I have created and start working on related tasks. Sometimes you will have more tasks than usual.

The point is to steadily complete the tasks one by one, starting with the easiest ones, and not to start on the next task halfway through until one task is completed.

For example, suppose you have five tasks, three of which are relatively easy to complete, and the remaining two require a lot of thinking and progress.

Instead of trying to do the difficult tasks first, I would focus first on completing the easy tasks one by one, and then the remaining time-consuming tasks would be completed one by one as well.

That way, if I am left with two difficult tasks out of five, I feel less stressed than if I am left with all five tasks in a half-finished state.

To me, "multitasking" means prioritizing things and steadily doing them one by one.

I feel that many people start all their tasks in a half-hearted manner, which causes them to feel stressed.

I myself used to feel stressed in this way and fell for “needing” to multitask.

How about you? Of course, each situation may require a different response, but have you fallen for the "multitasking" trick?

I have started the fifth round of the Efficiency Challenge, which started yesterday.

I hope to spend a fun-filled week with all 22 of you!

I wish you all a week with a lot of smiles!


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